Not Investment Advice. You should not construe any of the information in this document as investment advice.
No Duty to Update. The statements herein are subject to change at any time in alphaAI’s sole discretion, and alphaAI is not obligated to revise or update any statements herein for any reason or to notify you of any such change, revision or update. The discussions regarding investment objectives, investment processes, limitations, typical portfolio construction, concentration or other portfolio limits and other investment characteristics represent alphaAI’s current focus and intentions, are internal general guidelines only and are subject to change at any time. Depending on conditions and trends in securities markets and the economy generally, alphaAI may pursue any objective, employ any technique or purchase any type of security that it considers appropriate and in the best interest of the Client.
Forward Looking Statements. This website contains forward-looking statements based on alphaAI’s expectations and projections about its future investment methods and techniques. Those statements are sometimes indicated by words such as “targets,” “aims,” “expects,” “will” and similar expressions. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, projections or characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance or approach and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Prospective investors are cautioned not to invest based on these forward-looking statements and projections. alphaAI’s investment approach could differ materially, and an investor’s returns could differ materially and adversely, from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors.
Cautions Regarding Performance Information. The past performance illustrated in these slides is provided only to sophisticated investors for information purposes only. alphaAI may not meet its investment objectives over the short or long terms. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND THE FUND MAY INCUR SUBSTANTIAL LOSSES.
Performance Disclaimers. The performance results shown are the returns of a hypothetical client of alphaAI who invested in a simulated strategy on January 2, 2019, did not make any additional investments or withdrawals, and is charged in advance, a monthly management fee of 0.25% per quarter of the investor’s capital account balance. In estimating these returns, management fees and expenses have been deducted as if payable or allocable in each period in which returns are shown (that is monthly), rather than quarterly, annually or periodically, respectively. The returns are simulated and unaudited. The performance of an investor that invested at any other time will differ. Future investments will be made under different economic conditions and in different securities. The performance discussed herein reflects investment of limited funds for a limited period of time and does not reflect alphaAI’s performance in different economic cycles. The information given herein is historic and should not be taken as any indication of future performance.
Simulated Results Disclaimers. Investment analysis sheets lets a user explore a model portfolio's simulated performance, based on the user's inputs. Inputs represent choices alphaAI users see in their accounts, but outcomes presented in this sheet are hypothetical and do not represent individual outcomes. All individual performance is dependent on the specific timing of individual trades into and out of the portfolio's funds. Actual results will vary.
Simulated results are purely hypothetical in nature and do not represent what could have happened historically or what may happen in the future. Simulated performance is not a guarantee of future results. By the nature of simulation methodologies, results may have been inadvertently optimized through hindsight. Simulated results should be discounted as they make assumptions about market and trading conditions that may not be achieved in reality.
The simulated results shown are based on a user's specific investor profile. We determine each user's investor profile based on their answers to a questionnaire completed prior to opening their account. The risk levels range from 1 to 10, for a total of 10 different risk profiles, with each risk level having a different target asset allocation and portfolio states. All parameters, including risk levels, target assets, allocations, and portfolio states can be further customized by the user. For all users, the portfolio strategy is implemented by investing in specified exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
We calculated simulated returns for each period as the hypothetical performance of a client with an initial portfolio value of $100,000 created on January 2, 2019. We assume that the client invested in the specified strategy and did not withdraw any capital or change any of the parameters, including target assets and allocations, portfolio states, and risk levels. Returns are net of fees and assume a 0.25% management fee expense.
The table reports monthly and yearly returns since 2019, as well as returns since the start date. Simulated performance does not guarantee future results. Market conditions and costs associated with trading could cause simulated and actual performance to vary.
Comparison to Indices. alphaAI compares performance to the index shown because investors often want to compare such performance to a widely-used index that focuses on U.S. and international equities markets. Nevertheless, alphaAI believes that no index provides a relevant comparison to the strategy it intends to pursue because the alphaAI may pursue other strategies that present risks that are different than index’s risk. Due to these differences, alphaAI believes that no such index is directly comparable to its expected portfolio. The index returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings.
No Representation as to Accuracy of Information. Certain information contained herein has been provided by, or obtained from, third party sources. While alphaAI believes that such sources are reliable, it cannot guarantee the accuracy of any such information and does not represent that such information is accurate or complete.